You’ll quickly understand that there are certain crucial choices you must make if you’re considering starting your own small business. The acquisition of your company’s phone system will be one of these choices.

That’s just what we’ll demonstrate to you in this little piece today. We’ll demonstrate what qualities to search for in a company phone system. Everything from different features to suggestions and much more will be covered.

Typical Business Phone System Features

Your main means of contact with clients and suppliers is your small business phone system. To improve your system, you should take into account some of the following features:

Auto Attendant

By replacing your human receptionist with a list of options, this functionality welcomes callers. This function is frequently referred to as a “phone tree.”

An auto attendant enables a caller to connect with a specific person at their desk. The caller can also speak with a department employee through it.

Automatic Redial 

You can call the most recent business phone number you contacted using the automatic redial feature. Simply hitting one or two of the numbers in the recently dialed phone number will accomplish this.

Call Forwarding and Holding  

You can use call forwarding to direct incoming calls that are intended for you to a different coworker’s extension in your office or to your voicemail. You can put callers on hold to wait while you engage in another conversation using the call holding feature.

Conference Call Features

Features for conference calls can join two or more extensions so they can speak on the same line. Sometimes, a conference feature system will only accept calls from internal callers.

Hold Messaging/Music

Music or message paused while a caller is on hold, a pre-recorded announcement or piece of music is played. Advertisements may be included in prerecorded messages. They may also contain instructions on how the other caller should get ready for the discussion to come.


A speaker can use the office’s public communication system by using the paging capability. This function allows you to make an announcement that will be heard by all of your employees or to call another employee who is present in the building.

Speed Dial 

The frequently used phone numbers you frequently use can be saved in your system using the speed dial option. When you hit a certain key combined with a one or two key digit that you set to the phone number, you can access speed dial numbers.

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)

With the use of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technologies, you can place a call online. Instead of using a traditional phone, this revolutionary communication technology sends audio signals via the internet.


Any messages left for personnel who are unavailable or busy on another line and unable to handle the incoming call are collected in voicemail.

You can forward a voicemail to another employee’s voicemail box using some systems.

What Are Your Next Steps?

Having the best business phone system in place can help keep your small business stay productive and engaged with your customers. If you’re in the market for a new system, feel free to connect with us to learn how we can help you choose the right business phone system.